Is yoga religious?

No, not if you don't want it be.  Yoga was created by Vedic (religion that predates modern Hinduisim) people in northern India as a way strengthen their bodies to help them meditate for long periods of time.  Modern yoga incorporates meditation in the practice, but the meditation focus can be whatever you want it to be; relaxation, peace, acceptance, etc.  While it was created by religious people, the practice itself is not a religious one.

Do I have to be flexible to do yoga?

No, yoga is designed to help make you more flexible.  All poses can be adapted in a way that anyone can get into with modifications.  As you continue to do yoga, you can deepen these poses finding new flexibility.

Do I have to be fit to do yoga?

Yoga is for every one, regardless of fitness level.  All poses are adaptable to find comfort in all bodies.  Poses and sequences can be made more or less challenging based on how advanced your practice is and based on how you're feeling in your body on any given day.

What do I need to do yoga?

Nothing really, just you.  You can do yoga in whatever you're wearing, with or without a mat.  Ideally though, flexible clothing and a mat will allow you to get farther and feel more comfortable in your practice.  If you want to take your practice to another level, blocks and straps can help you find greater depth and comfort.  Yoga sculpt requires small weights (2-10 lbs typically)

What are the benefits of yoga?

There are so many benefits to yoga!  It can improve flexibility, build strength, improve balance, calm the mind, and improve overall mental and physical health.  Specific poses can help with digestion, sleep, headaches, and anxiety.  Let me know what you want help improving and I can suggest certain poses or design an entire sequence around what you want to work toward.

Can I get injured doing yoga?

Yes, that's why proper alignment, and listening to your body is so important.  Building poses from proper alignment will ensure that you are protecting your joints and muscles from damage.  Assessing yourself and your body every time you return to your mat is vital to safeguard against harm.